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transiststation Kopenhagen 2010
Ausstellung als Ereignis, Kunst in Aktion in Kunst

A 24-hour non-stop action weekend will take place at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Festsalen. 60 Artists of different nationalities and with various cultural backgrounds will visit Copenhagen and meet their 22 Danish Artist Colleagues on the weekend of Saturday 17 April 12 pm until midnight and Sunday 18 April, 12 pm until midnight, to present their work and to engage in the programme of non-stop art in action in art.
Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Festsalen
Monday 19 April transitstation EduAction Day 4 ? 9 pm
Interviews, Artists talks and discussions, practical workshops, artist food

Event strategies: ?mixed-interdisciplinary event?, international and expanding cultural event on tour through European countries with contemporary, Experimental music, Classical music, Sound Installation, Fashion, Poetry, Dance and Theatre, Film and Projection, Performance Art, Interactive Live Art, Live Music and Projection
The idea of event is based on the interactive presence of the spectator. The artwork exists and unfolds in real time with an understanding for a three-dimensional and separate object, in this case, a scaffolding structure. The nature of scaffolding is transitive; it will always exist with the implications of its ’temporary’ nature. The scaffolding, within an interior space (the gallery or site-in-situ) represents a state of in-between, denoting the absence of beginnings and endings. Scaffolding, the sculpture of transit station dominates the space with its hulking, static presence throughout each of the events.

Bahnhofstrasse 33, 38381 Jerxheim Bahnhof
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(Aktueller Stand: Empfehlungen 28)

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